I was moved while reading a piece of news in the newspaper today which described an incident of a mother who killed his child who was suffering from brain damage with an overdose of heroin (refer to the news article here).
The reason that the mother gave in for killing his child was that she could not see him suffer more in the condition that he was in.
Although the women is convicted on charges of murder and has been sentenced to jail but I support the action that the mother took here.
When the condition of a person becomes unbearable , what option does a mother have ; should she see his child die every day in pain and suffering or should she do something that will giev back peace to her child.
I would have done the same thing if I were in her place and I am sure many others would think alike.
There is no greater pain and agony than to see your near ones suffer everyday and feel helpless about it.
What is the purpose of living when you cannot control your actions and are dependent on other people for almost every living function?
This incident brings into debate the rational behind mercy killing; I don’t think it is permissible in the Indian law but it should be thought of as a remedy for the suffering of the patients in genuine cases.
Debate is welcome here.
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