Friday, February 12, 2010

His Name is Khan

This is not about the film MNIK but the brave Khan who stars in it.

I am not a great follower of Shahrukh Khan , in fact i admit here that i neither like him nor like the kind of movies that he stars in but for the very first time in my life i have felt that he has done something for which i salute him --- he has taken a stance against the terrorists of Mumbai --- the Shivsena.

I am talking about the recent confrontations between the superstar and the self proclaimed moral police/hooligans of Mumbai here.

Did Shahrukh do a grave sin in commenting that the Pakistani players should have been a part of IPL , did that statement made him a traitor and an unpatriotic Indian in the eyes of the Nation.

If it did then i have great sympathy with him or her or whoever it is who felt that what he did was against the Nation and he or she should probably update me with the rules of patriotism that they are following.

If they go by this logic then they should also be calling our honorable PM and other ministers of the government as traitors and unpatriotic for initiating the peace dialog talks with Pakistan.

Can they make a statement like this ; i don't think they have the guts or courage to say so because all they can do is target innocent and helpless people.

They don't have any other aim rather than disrupting normal life of the Mumbaikars and create a state of Mayhem. All they are looking out is cheap and stale ways to gain political edge over others.

SRK has shown courage and immense integrity on his part of defending his statement and has stood by it , not getting bowed down by the goons of the state.

What he has done should have been done long ago by other political parties and the other authorities but never the less the winds of changes seem imminent now.

Is this the beginning of the end of the communal forces like Shivsena and MNS.

I sincerely hope and wish that it is and in times of come we only read about their authoritarian and parochial regime and how it was washed out , in our history books.

Well actually i would not like to see that also and would never want to hear their name in times to come.

I think what SRK has done is just the start and we need to carry forward the movement that he has started and remove forces like these from the roots of our nation.

There was a time when Mumbai was considered to develop as the next Shanghai of Asia but its only due to people like Raj and Udhav Thakrey that we have fallen way beyond that dream and are now actually looking to save Mumbai's image of a decent and safe place to live in.

Now its up to us to take it where we want it to be.

Let us all get together and put up a pledge that we will not bow down to these hooligans and wash them out from our society once and for all as we remove pests from our home.

They are no more than pests to the nation and should be wiped out as soon as possible.

We keep our homes clean all the time , its time we keep the nation clean as well.

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