Today is the 15th of August , India's independence day , in fact its the 62nd time that we are celebrating this day today.
The first thing that comes to my mind today is that for the majority of the junta i in the country today it is a declared holiday and they seem to be really disappointed that today happened to be a Saturday and not a weekday.
Anyway moving forward , i heard Dr Manmohan singh give his speech today in the morning and was wondering the challenges that he has got in his hand this time around.
2009 has been a difficult year for the country ; we have had a global economic crisis to look after , then the country is facing a year with low rainfall and drought like situations in majority of the states , swine flu scare is spreading like fire in the country and of course our usual battle with terrorism and Pakistan is something we have been facing for years.
I feel something different today , something which makes me think i also need to do something in the building of this nation.
I have always wanted to do some kind of service for my nation and this feeling gets a pump every time an independence day or a republic day or some other patriotic event takes place in the nation.
I always wanted to join the armed forces but my health did not allow me to do so and candidly speaking i never did try enough , but now i really think of doing something which would help nation grow and prosper.
Although i have not seen the phase when we had the partition but after seeing on the TV the kind of sacrifices that people gave to earn independence i feel a sense of duty in myself to repay back.
In the coming few days i would give it a thought of what i can do and should do in future.
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