Saving Mother earth
I had written this piece of article some 3 years back when i was working with Induslogic ; just got it back from there hence decided to post it here.
Hope people see this and it has some positive effect.
We all need to think about the environment now otherwise tomorrow may be too late to think about it
Yesterday was the earth day and some of the issues that scientists' worldwide have found in their respective studies is that if we don't take care of our environment today it may be too late tomorrow to care for it.
See the level of water rising in our oceans everyday, due to global warming.
See the temperature growing each day again to due to global warming, the highest temperature each year is always greater than the previous year giving a clear sign we need to do something about it in the days to come.
I was watching things that each and every one of us can do in our daily lives to do something for mother earth, on the television yesterday which I am listing below.
Even if a couple of people understand the importance of this I would think my effort has not been lost hence please go through the list at least ( J and hopefully follow some of the things mentioned).
1. Save paper ---only take out printouts when and when it's absolutely necessary, after all saving paper is like saving trees.
Even if you have taken out a printout by mistake do not throw it away, instead use if for rough work like writing notes making calculations etc
Remember saving a ton of paper saves 17 trees.
2. Join a car pool --- car pooling saves the extra fuel that's been used for the other car and also saves the road from the vehicles load.
If even 2 people start coming by a single car then a lot of fuel could be saved each day.
3. Walk and don't use the vehicle while going short distances --- while going out to take out daily use items we all are in a habit of using the car or our bike but while it may be much more convenient for but just going that extra 300 or 400 meters by walk would save the precious fuel again.
Being in the IT line we do not walk enough and we all need to walk (studies show that a person should walk at least 45min a day to keep fit ) so lets start doing it today.
4. Use CFL's instead of Bulbs --- using CFL's and tube lights instead of using the bulbs also saves a lot of electricity (a lot of electricity is still produced by burning coal) so using the CFL's could go a long way in saving coal as well as the tones of smoke it emits each day.
Already in the US and other European countries bulbs are being discouraged and CFL's are being promoted.
5. Educating others --- this is probably the most important of all the above points as if all of us start educating others and make others realize how important it is to save Mother Earth it could help in a campaign of sorts which would gather momentum in the long run.
I hope every body who has a concern for the environment would take measures in supporting me in this battle for the survival of Mother Earth.
Please forward this message to all you dear and loved ones as it's for benefit of all.