Wednesday, September 9, 2009

26 years of my life

My bday is just 2 days away now and I still feel no excitement, no big feelings no expectation from the day.
This is nothing different for me , as for the last 25 years I have never felt like it would be a special day for me or something like that , maybe that’s just the way I am , I take things as they come without any expectation.

I don’t say this is the ideal way to go around but its just the way I am and what I think.
This coming 9/11 I will be completing 26 years of my existence on this earth , and when I look back all these years I do not think I have fulfilled my potential and done things which I can be proud of in all these 26 years.
I do not know how long I am going to live or in other words how many years of existence I still have on this earth but certainly I have made a promise to myself that the next 26 years will be much more fruitful that the years gone by.
I believe everybody should have goals and dreams set for their lives and am a firm believer in the alchemist quote “when you really want something in life, the whole universe conspires you to get that thing”; I am determined to achieve that goal.
I am getting a little philosophical here but I certainly believe in the fact that the Mind and the thoughts of a person make him the person he wants to; if one has control over his mind and over his thoughts he can achieve the impossible.
Another great quote which inspires me is the adidas advertisements which come on the Television sometimes
No matter how good you are, getting better never stops - Impossible is nothing
To think in a certain way when there is so much of negativity and when things are going bad around you is tough task but then when somebody really wants to do it he does it, and all the motivational novels and books around are a tool which can help you here.
I am no motivational guru but these are things which I have felt by reading and practising those philosophies written in all these books over the years ; I have much to learn in this long life and I hope and wish I reach a stage where someday I am able to guide people like the way I seek guidance.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An evening to remember

Last Wednesday i had gone to sirifort to see Pt Shiv kumar sharma and Pt Birju maharaj perform and what an evening it turned out to be.
Pt Shiv kumar sharma started the show , and he mesmerized us for over 2 hours for which he was performing with his tunes and ragas. It was after quite some time i have gone to see a classical music show and as it turned out i will be going to a lot more in the near future.
For the 2 or so hours that he was playing his santoor , i had no sense of what was going around around me ; i was completely lost in his music and was hoping this would continue forever.
Unfortunately all good things have to end some time as one but another masterpiece followed it.
I witnessed classical dance for the first time in my life and had a really good time watching Pt Birju maharaj perform.
He seemed pretty old to me , but still had the enthusiasm of a child performing with charm and panache.
Hoping to see more shows like this in the near future.